So if you haven't guessed it by now, today's blog is going to be all about confidence- how to get it, where to find it, and how to keep it for the rest of your life. Confidence is a tricky thing, especially for Females. Now we aren't saying that Men don't have their own bouts with self-consciousness but with the media putting all these ideas in their heads about how they should look and act- women definitely get the shorter end of the stick. We're constantly hearing all around us...
"I'm fat"
"I'm ugly"
"Why don't I look like ____?"
"I'll never get a boyfriend"
We can't help but wonder if all of these statements stem from other's words like...
"You're fat"
"You're ugly"
"She's way prettier than you"
"No one will ever date you"
But you know what? We don't think so. Sure, there are all types of bullies out there, from our moms to our frenemies (if you have one, ditch em!) but we can't believe that the self-consciousness woman feel is ALL a result of other people's negative opinions. Lets take for example the statement "I'm Fat" - is there a reason someone says this? Many people would argue it is just for attention but for most of those who say the statement out-loud, they actually believe it. True, they may be looking for that expected "Girl, you aren't fat- you look good!!!" but somewhere in that person's mind, they are seeing someone in the mirror that isn't at all who they are. And this can be caused by many different things. Ever heard of something called Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Everybody is Beautiful- Remember that!
Now weight isn't the only area people have issues with but it is a big concern for many. Now some women think they need to lose weight just because they feel their clothes do not fit them correctly.
That can be easily fixed by simply wearing the right clothes for your body shape! Here are some suggestions for you to get the most out of your wardrobe choices!
- Body Traits: Your lower body is wider than your upper body — or, your hips are wider than your shoulders. You have a round bottom and a prominent waist.
- Best Assets: Shoulders, torso and stomach
- What Your Clothes Should Do: Emphasize your waist and arms, add volume to your shoulders and upper body while minimizing your hips.

Pear's DOs and DON'Ts
- DON'T wear clothing that draws attention to hips and thighs, such as cargo pants or print skirts.
- DO try a-line skirts, which camouflage wider hips.
- DO keep hems of pants, skirts and dresses wide to balance the hips.
- DO experiment with light-colored tops and dark-colored bottoms for contrast.
- DO look for boat neck tops, square and cowl necklines.
- DO wear strapless dresses to show off arms and even out proportions.
- DO try styles with ruffles on top.
- DO wear jackets that hit right above the waist.
- DO opt for pointy-toed shoes to elongate your legs.
Wedge-shaped celeb: (Audrina Patridge)
- Body Traits: A.K.A inverted triangle, the wedge features a broad chest and wide shoulders which are large in proportion to a narrow waist and hips.
- Best Asset: Your legs
- What Your Clothes Should Do: Accentuate your lower body while softening your shoulders and upper body.

Wedge's DOs and DON'TS
- DO wear bright colors on bottom.
- DO wear wide-leg pants.
- DO wear full skirts.
- DON'T wear spaghetti-strap tops.
- DON'T wear boat neckline tops.
- DO wear tops that call attention to your waistline.
- DO experiment with high-waisted styles.
- DO look for clothes that create the illusion of a waist.
Rectangle-shaped celeb: (Natalie Portman)
- Body Traits: The waist, hip and shoulder widths are similar and are usually on the slim side. Slender rectangles have an athletic look about them.
- Best Assets: Your arms and legs — and you don't have to minimize any body features.
- What Your Clothes Should Do: Create curves and show off slender legs and arms.

Rectangle's DOs and DON'Ts
- DO wear scoop neck and sweetheart tops to create curves.
- DO wear long jackets to create a lean look.
- DO wear tops with collars, ruffles and details to flatter your chest.
- DO wear a good bra that will make the most of what you have.
- DON'T wear overwhelming styles.
- DO layer to add more dimensions.
- DO wear dresses with ruching. Cinches on sides are ideal.
- DO have fun with colorful bottoms... feel free to experiment.
- Body Traits: Most of your weight accumulates above the hips, which are narrow. Your back, ribs and shoulders are broad, and you may feel wider than other body types.
- Best Asset: Those legs!
- What Your Clothes Should Do: Elongate the torso, show off your legs and use fashion to create the illusion of a waist.

Apple's DOs and DON'TS
- DO go for monochromatic looks.
- DO go for v-neck tops to create the illusion of a longer torso.
- DO wear a bra that offers good lift and support.
- DO wear belts at the smallest part of your waist.
- DO conceal tummy bulge by wearing empire tops and dresses.
- DO wear boot cut and flared jeans to create an even line from the shoulders down.
- DO wear shorter skirts to show off your legs and draw attention away from your midsection.
- Body Traits: Your shoulders and hips are similar in proportion and set off by a tiny waist.
- Best Assets: Curves, curves, curves!
- What Your Clothes Should Do: Show off your curves... without going overboard.

Hour Glass' DOs and DON'Ts
- DON'T hide your curves with baggy clothing.
- DO wear a good bra and showcase your bust.
- DO wear fitted dresses.
- DO wear a belt at the waist to enhance your hourglass shape.
- DO try wrap dresses.
- DO go for high-waisted skirts to show off your hips.
- DO pick thin, lightweight styles and fabrics.
- DO wear skinny or straight leg jeans.

“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
― Kathryn Stockett, The Help
"I release my fear of failure. I am motivated by love, always."
"I am willing to step out of my comfort zone."
"I choose to express a confident attitude to others. "
This last bit of advice we have for you might seem ridiculous but in the age of smartphones and front-view cameras, the "selfie" has become a common thing. Now we don't even like calling them selfies, frankly it is a little embarrassing. But hey, whatever works right? If you want some instant gratification, snap a photo of yourself and post it to Instagram. Now we're talking strictly pictures of your eight-by-ten money maker. No nude pictures, because that is not cute, that is desperate and probably illegal. Take a picture, post it, and we guarentee the likes you get on that picture will make you feel a little better. But don't be one of those annoying girls who post a picture with hashtags like #nofilter, #nomakeup, #sweatpantshairtiedchillinwithnomakeupon, when in fact none of that is true.... Come on ladies- class it up. #Girlcode
Just don't be as obnoxious as this girl--->
(Yeah.... I know that is me.... )
"Confidence not cockiness, confidence is knowing who you are. Confidence is knowing who you are, cockiness is knowing who you are and shoving it down everyone's throat."
“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.” ― Marilyn Monroe
For more on how to dress for your body type :
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