Hey ladies! If you have been keeping up with our blog or YouTube channel then you probably know this year we are trying to get healthier and work out more! So I wanted to show you my personal workout routine and kind of how I construct it as it is ever changing. Yesterday, we posted a new video called "Get Ready With Me (My Gym Routine)" and we thought there was no better way to show you my routine than to just share this video with you guys! I love working out and have done so my whole life but I do take breaks and have my months when I am super motivated and then have those all too common weeks when I feel like doing nothing. With it being a new year Jessica and I both want to really kick it into gear. The video is actually a condensed version of my regular routine because it was filmed on the weekend at a smaller gym. I usually go to Planet Fitness which is a bigger franchise gym. I pay $20 a month and that includes tanning (which I do not do) and all other amenities including bringing a guest each time I go. I also pay an annual fee in June that is around $38. I have been a member for about a year and I have enjoyed this gym very much. There are some downsides which include it being packed every hour of the day, it closing early on the weekends, and there are A LOT of rules to follow. I get asked a lot if the "Lunk Alarm" goes off frequently and my answer to that is that it depends on the location. I go to two different ones within 15 miles of each other and things are completely different from one to the next. I would recommend taking a tour of any gym before you decide on one. If you can't afford a gym membership or have kids that make getting to the gym difficult you can certainty work out at home. That is what Jessica is doing. She has a gym membership but hates to drive in the snow in Michigan. So, she has decided to do home workouts. She is going to do this with a yoga mat ($10-$15) weights, and exercise DVDs.
I suggest that you break up your days if possible. I do Cardio, Ab, Leg, and Arm days.
I just write out these workouts, change them, and add to them each week. I like to change it up so I don't get bored and so my muscles don't get used to the movements.
The lists are hard to see but I do incorporate some abs, legs, arms, and cardio into every days routine and just go heavier on that particular days muscle group.
Here is our new video Get Ready With Me! My Workout Routine!
The last time we posted we were looking forward to hitting 1,000 subscribers! We are now on 1,210 and growing! Thank you all so much <3 We will keep making videos for you guys and would love to take any suggestions you have! We have so many announcements and exciting things ahead that we can't wait to share with you in an upcoming video!
We will be doing a Question and Answer video to announce the winner of our giveaway so comment down below any questions you would like us to answer! Remember you have until Sunday to enter the giveaway and will have a chance to win these great prizes!
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