Rethink Your Refrigerator!

I live with my older sister (Reagan's mom) and we work out together at Planet Fitness when she gets off work. We are both trying to get in shape and want to eat even healthier. I was feeling crafty this morning so I used card stock, a magazine, scissors, markers, and tape to make this collage for our fridge. I chose to pick quotes that would create positive mental attitudes and promote good eating habits. I chose to include the lines "February-Cruise" and "April-New York." At the end of February Shanon is going on a cruise and in April I am going to IMATS with Jessica! Putting things we have to look forward to on the refridgerator might help us stick to our goals! It was fun to just be creative because I am definately not the most artistic person. Hopefully it will inspire us to stay on track!

While I was making the sign for my fridge Reagan was "coloring." I only give her one WASHABLE marker at a time so that she doesn't lose the caps and go crazy with drawing on the floor and table. She was so proud of her drawing she wanted to hang it on the fridge next to Kiki's (her nickname for me). She even showed her mommy over FaceTime.
Making Valentines!

I used to love making Valentine's cards when I was little so I wanted to have Reagan make some with me. I got a little carried away though and decided to make one for my boyfriend. I love handmade cards and I think Chris will like this one. I cut out some kissy lips and glued them to the front. I found a Cosmo magazine from last year around this time and it was filled with LOVE, literally. On one side I attempted to draw a puzzle piece. Above it the lyrics "You are the other half, You're like a missing piece" are written. This line is from one of our favorite City and Colour songs- Northern Wind. Then I put on some bright red lip stick and kissed the card to make it more personal and cute!

So of course once Reagan saw me with the lip stick, she wanted it. Thankfully, it was a Halloween kit lip stick, so it was alright that she used up quite a bit. I used a piece of pink card-stock and wrote "Mommy, I love you. xo xo xo" Once that was finished I helped Reagan apply some red lipstick to her lips. Then I told her to make her fishy face and kiss the paper. She had so much fun with it and it turned out so cute! This might be a little messy but it is worth it. The makeup wiped right off with a baby wipe. Plus, my heart melts when she says "I pretty Kiki, I pretty!"
Lunch Time!

Reagan loves to help me make her lunch. I usually let her if it is something easy. Today she had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so I let her "spread" the jelly on the bread. She tried, but it was still one big pile of jelly by the time she was done. I cut it up, added some cherry tomatoes and a cup of water and BAM, her favorite meal. She ate the entire thing! She is the best lunch date, she helped me push the bottoms on the microwave to heat up my chili. This chili is homemade and has three kinds of beans, ground turkey, stewed tomatoes, corn and some seasoning. It is so delicious and perfect for these freezing cold temperatures we have here in Michigan.
Potty Training!

This is quite different than our regular blogs, isn't it? You are used to fashion, not toilet talk but this was a big part of our day so for all you mommies and nannies out there, hope this helps! Reagan will be two this February so we have really been trying to encourage her to use the potty more often. Recently, we switched her diapers to her "big girl panties." She knows that she is supposed to keep them dry and tell me or her parents when she has to go. She has been doing quite well with it although she has had a few accidents along the way. I try to not get frustrated with her or make her feel bad when she does have an accident because well it is an accident. When she does use the potty correctly we reward her. This makes her so much more excited to keep her underwear dry. She gets to pick a sticker and add money to her piggy bank when she goes on the potty. Sometimes we will give her a treat like a cookie, or ice-cream for going on the potty. Here she is getting ready for her nap, she does wear pull-ups when she sleeps. Good luck with potty training Mommies!
DIY Shorts

Shanon asked me to cut the second-hand jeans she got yesterday into shorts because they weren't the right length for her. She bought these along with five other pairs of jeans last night from a local Facebook group that allows people to sell their unwanted items! To do this, I just used a pair of her shorts that she liked to create an outline. I put them on top of the pants and drew a line with sharpie about two inches down from where the shorts ended to allow for me to roll them once cut. I used Fabric scissors to cut along the line I drew with permanent marker. I then lined one pant leg up with the other so I could easily trace it. Once I was finished, I rolled up the legs to make them look cuter and less like cut offs.
Business Cards
Today, I also ordered Business cards. Me and Jessica wanted to have these on hand to give out to people we meet at IMATS and also for her to use for her freelance makeup. I got a GREAT deal on I used the code tv250 and got 250 business cards for $10. I got an addition 250 for $3.75. We got 500 colored and personalized cards for under $15 with free shipping!
Check out our Last Blog- Adorable and Affordable Style Inspiration!
We would love for you to check out our YouTube channel and let us know what kinds of videos you would like to see from us! BrynnLynnBeauty :) We appreciate all of your support!<3
Upcoming videos- Thrifted Look Book, Valentine's Day Makeup Look, Valentine's Day DIY Gifts, and more! Tweet us your requests @brynnlynnbeauty!
Me and my Valentine do the Couple's Tag where we answer questions at the same time to see how well we know each other. Just uploaded! Watch it here!
Empties and Review!
January Q&A
OOTD 1.17.2014
HUGE Haul and more!
Check out our new video! Just uploaded!
Winter Outfit Ideas 2014!
This is the Giveaway Video! Watch it here or check it out on our channel!
Shopping Haul and Giveaway!
Winter Outfit Ideas 2014!
This is the Giveaway Video! Watch it here or check it out on our channel!
Shopping Haul and Giveaway!
Thanks for reading!!!
x0x0 Katie Lynn and Jessica Brynn
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