Hey bloggers! So today for our second post in our BLOGMAS Series we are going to be teaching you how to make this super adorable yet simple Christmas/Winter decoration. Now you can keep this to decorate yourself or give it as a gift!
It is so cute and it did not take me that much time to make at all! So keep on reading if you want to learn how to create this awesome little gift!

For this you want to pick out a phrase. I chose "Let it Snow" but you could choose anything you want! You could even do "FALALA!"
Then you want to pick a color theme and choose the objects you will put inside of your shadow box frame!
The first thing you will need is a shadow box picture frame. I actually had a hard time finding one! I finally found one at Kohl's for around $15.Every thing else was purchased at Jo-Ann Fabrics. Use your best judgement when picking out the frame. It must be deep enough to fit bulky items. The back drop of the shadow box will be a piece of scrap book paper. Mine happened to fit my frame perfectly so their was no need for cutting or trimming. I chose a white shimmery background to go along with the snow theme. Scrapbook paper by the sheet is not very expensive. I believe this one was 60 cents. I just placed this scrapbook paper into my frame and smoothed it out to make sure their was no bumps. The next thing I added was the white Christmas tree that I bought for $3. I thought it looked snow covered and would fit it nicely. However, the tree ended up being to big to fit inside of the frame. It was an easy fix though! I just cut the tree in half and it fit perfectly! Because you only see one side there is no way to tell that is cut in half. I secured this to my frame using some pearl embellished sewing pins that came with the frame. It worked out nicely because they locked the tree in place and looked like ornaments on the tree! Jessica and I found some adorable shatter-proof ornaments as well. We decided that blue and silver would look the best! I just mixed these up and placed them around the tree on the inside of the frame. These mini ornaments were 50% off making them about $3 a box. Then to fill the box up even more I bought the $8 silver jingle bells. These are so cute for the holiday season and really make the frame that much more festive. I made sure to really mix all of the objects around so that the colors were well blended. Now to complete the project all you need is some stickers! I chose these adorable blue ones that cost about $4. I cut out the letters and placed them on top of the glass before actually sticking them on. This will help you figure out what placement looks best before the stickers are stuck for good!
We love these shadow box frames! We think they are so cute for holiday decorating and even gifts. I made this particular one for my boyfriend's mom. You don't have to follow the exact color pattern and you can most certainly pick a different phrase to put on the outside!
We saw this idea on Pinterest but recently one of the most popular beauty gurus on YouTube made a video showing how to do these as well. So all month long girls have been tweeting their recreations of these frames! We picked out a few of our favorites and asked the creators if we could share them with you in our blog. Here are our favorites!
This adorable frame was made by Lauren Carbone!
We love this one because it is such a cute Christmas/Holiday decoration. We love how she put her own spin on it!
Twitter- @Fashionfab_
Twitter- @Teodoracalaras
We thought this was just an awesome idea! These are so thoughtful and her cousins are sure to love them!
This frame is one of my personal favorites! It is so unique and I just need it in my life. haha I just might have to copy Gaby Campos and make one very similar.
Gabby made this for her bedroom and said she had a lot of fun doing it! I had fun making mine too!

This sweet little frame was made by a girl named Julie! She is apart of the Bethany Mota Fam and is a big fan of hers. She recreated this after watching Bethany's video!

Twitter- @ItsMeLexie1
Check out Lexie's YouTube channel!
If you recreate any of these frames we would love to see them!
Just tweet us your picture @brynnlynnbeauty!
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Check out our video uploaded today! Vlogmas! Week One!
Want to see what is on our Christmas lists?! Check out our new video! Click here!
The bloopers are too much for us to handle. Make sure you check them out if you want a good chuckle!
New Video! Our November Favorites and Giveaway Winners! Also some pretty hilarious bloopers :)
Check it out here!
Black Friday Haul! Watch it on our channel!
Jessica's Palette Collection is up on our channel!
Watch me do my boyfriend's makeup in "I Do My Boyfriend's
Makeup Tag!" To watch it on our channel click
Watch Jessica's shopping haul. She went to Ulta, Target, Charming Charlie and more.
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