Christmas is getting very close and I'm sure some of you are running out of gift ideas, time, and maybe even cash. So we thought we would share with you some of our favorite DIY projects that can easily be given as gifts. These were all made by us or by our friends and family. 8 out of 10 of these can even be made for under $10! So lets get crafty!

The first two ideas were inspired by our older sister Shanon. She makes homemade body scrubs and lip scrubs. These are two of her bests! For both of these scrubs a container like the ones pictured above are required. These two are from VG's and both cost under $2 each.
2. Lemon Body Scrub- To make you mix 1 lemon, 5 tablespoons of sea salt, and 1 tablespoon olive oil. To apply I just take a shower and use it on my body as if it were soup. It smells so good and works better than any store-bought citrus body wash I have ever used.
Body and Lip Scrubs can be such a luxurious gift but also so pricey. This is a way to cut down on the price while making a thoughtful gift that is guaranteed to be appreciated. Slap a bow on the top and BAM Christmas gift finished!
We have been hearing more and more about homemade sharpie mugs. I actually got these for Christmas last year as gift from a friend. I love these because they are so cute and creative. I use them to hold my nail files and makeup brushes but you can actually drink your coffee out of these!
3. Sharpie Mugs! To make these you can just pick up any mug from the store. Try to get the cheaper ones because those will actually keep the sharpie design on longer due to their lack of glaze. Now these can be permanent as well and to accomplish that all you must do is set your oven to 425 degrees and let the cup "bake" for 30 minutes. After a half hour has passed you can return to the oven and make sure it is turned off. Do not touch the mug unless it has cooled for about 20 minutes. If you pick it up when it is scolding hot you may burn yourself or risk cracking the glass.
You can make Christmas themed glasses or any design you would like. Mine are mostly covered in song lyrics that I love<3 This is a great gift for anyone but I suggest to make them for your Grandparents, they will love them!
Hobby Lobby. To make the bow around the box it is super easy! Just cut a slit about halfway down one side of the ribbon. (Picture Above)You then pull the other side of the ribbon through that slit, tie a bow, and then tape at the bottom. It is that simple! But this will really add something to any small present.

6. Nighttime Care Mini Bathtub. I made this by taking one of the same red tubs and placing stickers on it to spell out "AMY" which is my sister's name. Since the shape of the bin resembles that of a bathtub, I added foam facial pads to create the "bubbles" in the bath. Now you can also use cotton balls but since these foam pads are a big part of my night routine I wanted to incorporate them. Then I just added some of my nighttime essentials like my Sweet Mint eos balm, some hand cream, nail files, ect. This is a fun and cost effective way to have a friend or family member try out some of the stuff you love since the products are in the mini sizes!
7. Minion Bookmark. To make you will cut a piece of cardstock paper into the shape of a bookmark. To do this I just measured the length of the book and then added a bit of length so that the eyes could pop out of the book. Then you will punch 5 holes in the top of the bookmark with a hole-punch. I used black pipe cleaners to create the hair but the evil minions do have purple hair so feel free to use purple! I added a piece of purple yarn in the "hair" to create a bow.
I made the eyes by using silver duct tape and cutting it into circles. Then once those are placed where you want them, use glue to stick on your googly eyes. The "goggles" were created by using a purple sharpie marker. Now I mixed the evil and regular minions features to create this because the evil minion only has one eye. With the size of my eyes it looked better to have two. So feel free to make this bookmark using all yellow supplies! Now the rest of the bookmark is free range! Make it say or look like whatever you want it to! Mine says "Even evil minions do you think we got so smart?" This is a great little craft for kids and I'm sure they would love to receive this in a book or stocking! One thing is for sure, Jessica's cat liked it ;)
This next one is kind of a gag gift and would be great as a part of a white elephant gift exchange.
8. Snowman Poop. This is the easiest and most affordable little stocking stuffer. All you need is paper, markers, and a pack of white tic tacs. I made the label using blue cardstock paper and markers. You can make these labels by hand or on the computer. Just make sure to cut the label to fit the size of the mint container. I always receive gum and mints in my stocking so this is just something simple and quick to make a simple treat more fun. Kids will eat this up, literally!
9. Memorial Picture frame. 10. Let It Snow Shadowbox frame.
These two have already been featured in our blog but we love them so much we thought we should let you know where to find them. To see how I made this sentimental memorial picture frame check out Good Grief! Mourning a Loved One! To learn to make this Let it Snow Shadow box frame check out Blogmas #2- Adorable DIY Gift Idea!
JUST UPLOADED! Holiday Haul :)
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Week One!
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bloopers are too much for us to handle. Make sure you check them out if you want
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November Favorites and Giveaway Winners! Also some pretty hilarious bloopers
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Black Friday Haul! Watch it on our channel!
Jessica's Palette
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Watch me do my boyfriend's makeup in "I Do My Boyfriend's
Makeup Tag!" To watch it on our channel click
Watch Jessica's
shopping haul. She went to Ulta, Target, Charming Charlie and more.
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