We went to Canada last year for Nicole's 19th birthday with a bigger group of people and had a good time so that is part of the reason we wanted to go back! The picture above is inside the tunnel to Canada when we were on our way there. This is the border between the countries! Even though we live right across the river it isn't that easy to get over there. You have to go through border patrol, answer all of their questions, have your passport or advanced license, and sometimes even get your car searched. Luckily, we didn't have to. Though, Nicole did have to throw her pepper spray away because it is illegal in Canada to have it. Once we got into Windsor we found our hotel, parked, checked in, and started our night! This picture to the left is us right before we went to the Caesar Hotel and Casino. This year since we were at a Holiday Inn we had to drive to the Casino (last year we just took an elevator) But our Hotel was very nice and had the most comfortable beds! Anyways, we wore our happy birthday crowns and went on our way!
This is us with our first drinks! We got Blue Lagoons. It was our first legal drink last year so we decided to carry on the tradition and get it from the same bar inside the casino!
I don't like strong stuff. Cocktails are more my thing. Also at the casino I had a Green monster which is a half a shot of Raspberry Absolute Vodka, half a shot of Ciroc, and lots of pineapple juice. Nicole got a Gin and Tonic. I tasted it, ew. I hated it! But she loves it so it must be an acquired taste. Nicole doubled her money on the slot machines! I lost three dollars :/ We had a lot of fun!

This is Nicole's sober selfie session on my phone...
Once we got back to the hotel we changed into our outfits that we wore to go out!
There were a lot of kids our age on our floor at the hotel. We would open the door and crowds of people would be in the hall telling us to 'come party' with them but we aren't stupid and wanted to be safe. One time when I opened the door there was guy in the hallway with a few girls that ran up to us and asked us if we wanted to hang out. Once we told them we were from America they freaked out "YOU ARE AMERICAN?!" "THEY ARE FROM THE STATES YOU GUYS!"

Nicole's drunk selfie session on my phone..... it was her birthday so shes excused.
We got ready for bed, slept, and then headed home in the morning.
We vlogged most of the trip so you can watch it here now!
Click the links below and go check out our channel!!! We would appreciate it so much!!!
Watch our Common White Girl Tag Video!
Just uploaded! To watch it on YouTube click here
Watch our Holiday Giveaway video!
Make sure you enter before Dec. 1st at Midnight! We are picking three winners!!!
Make sure you enter before Dec. 1st at Midnight! We are picking three winners!!!
To visit our channel CLICK HERE!
To hear about our tattoos and piercings check out our new video!
You also get to meet some adorable kitties and Jessica's boyfriend!
Make sure to check out our links below!
How to Fishtail Braid----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZB9pf7XrD8&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Top 10 Fitness Tips! ----->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF0VzJ5pl0A&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
October Favorites-----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lskkQbCUnY&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Everyday Foundation Routine-----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ajdwK7eyA&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Three Easy and Adorable Hair Styles----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBKQdAlr6jY&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Pin Up: A Makeup Look----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug-yvu-bJd8&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Everyday Makeup Tutorial----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdsvRAa9VQQ&feature=c4-overview&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Watch our Fitness Favorites-------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVzXl61KEU8
Check out or What's in my Bag Video? -------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNOHdyeY4HY
Check out our Huge Fall Fashion Haul------> http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Huge Thrift Haul----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQGo-f5MOu8&list=UU8fU3oUSeV5q0HkKKwOGqzQ
Facebook------> https://www.facebook.com/BrynnLynnBeauty
Follow us on Twitter! -------> https://twitter.com/BrynnLynnBeauty
Follow us on Instagram! ------> @BrynnLynnBeauty
x0x0 Katie Lynn and Jessica Brynn
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