I usually go Black Friday shopping all night but this year I decided I wanted to skip the lines. I only went to Target on Thursday night at 8pm because they had a lot of good deals on DVD's and CD's. The line wasn't that long and we only had to wait to check out for about 20 minutes. My boyfriend bought a lot of movies and things for his family. I only bought two things. One being the new Miley Cyrus CD, Bangerz. It was originally $12.99 but I got it on sale for $7. I have actually listened to this so I might as well take some time and do a little review. I actually like the songs Wrecking Ball and We Can't Stop so I figured I would like the rest of the album. Unfortunately, I wasn't that pleased. I know Miley is trying to change her image and be a big pop star but her voice still sounds soooo country. Her accent sounds so heavy that it is hard to take her "Gangster" persona seriously. There are some collaborations on the CD that include Nelly, Britney Spears, Big Sean, Future, and more. The last song on the album is called Someone Else and I really enjoy that one as well as Drive. However, the other songs I don't feel like I will be listening to all that much. My advice is to listen to the songs on iTunes or YouTube and just individually purchase the songs you like because I doubt you will LOVE every single one.
I also purchased a DVD. This movie is called 21&Over. I saw this in theaters and loved it. It was on sale for just $6 dollars so I had to buy it! I can't wait to watch it again later tonight! It is a really funny movie. Two of the main characters are my favorites from other movies. Like Miles Teller from Footloose (2011) and Skylar Astin from Pitch Perfect. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good laugh!
On Friday I went to a few stores with my sister but I was not into it at all because I wasn't feeling well. The first place we went to was Marshall's. I didn't really see many sales so I only got two things. I bought two Essie nail polishes! These were on sale for $4.99 each which I thought was a great deal. I love Essie nail polish and I am kind of mad that I only got two :/ The silver color I got is called Loophole and the purple is called DJ Play That Song. I haven't used them yet but it is only a matter of time until these become my new favorite polishes.
Next we went to Kmart and I just got some mittens. These are bright pink and they came with a black pair of gloves that I wore to MSU football game today.
They we $2.99. I also bought some Ibuprofen because I wasn't feeling well but you don't need a picture of that :P
My last purchase was the best deal. RadioShack had Android Tablets for $49.95 and I had a $50 gift card. This tablet is Wi-Fi compatible and takes a Micro SD card for more storage space. I was convinced to buy this tablet by my boyfriend who loves Android and thought it was a great deal. I do have some complains about this tablet though. There is only a front view camera and it is less than webcam quality. I will not be using the Camera. The volume isn't very loud unless I listen with headphones. I also don't like that I can't get Instagram :/ But overall it was a great deal and I can use this for YouTube, Twitter, Facebook... the list goes on and on.
Today I went to the MSU football game with my boyfriend Chris. I also tried the Mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks for the first time! I really liked it. It is A LOT better than the Mocha Light Frappuccino but has way more calories! Oh well. It is delicious! Plus State won!
Also, no big deal...WE REACHED 300 SUBCRIBERS! We are so happy! It has only been a little over a month since we started YouTube so we are so appreciative of all the support. We have also passed 2,000 views! You may notice our channel art is a little different as well. We thought we would jazz it up a bit by getting in the holiday spirit! Look at the little snowman! Isn't he the cutest?!
Our Holiday Giveaway will end tomorrow Dec. 1st at midnight! We will be choosing THREE WINNERS. We have some awesome prizes!
Enter to win them for yourself or maybe for Christmas gifts! Being a new channel we have not received too many entries. We want to give more people the opportunity to win. So come on over to our channel and enter. It is really that simple!
^ That is an attractive face :/ haha! Click the video for the blog into to hear a little about my acne story and see my face without ANY makeup.
Did you watch it? Okay, then you are up to speed. So lets get started!
So I started getting acne in Middle School. I was about 14 years old. Usually, acne starts with puberty but it happened to me several years before that. Lucky me, right? My three sisters have really clear skin and I have never really seen them with pimples or acne but for some reason I have it! It is frustrating but it is easy for me to control now and it doesn't bother me for the most part. I have tried pretty much everything to clear my skin so I will share with you what worked and what didn't!
I have tired pretty much every drugstore cleanser from Biore to Clearasil. But I thought I would share the more expensive brands I have used with you so you don't waste your money on these products! The first acne clearing system I tried was by the brand AcneFree. I bought this kit at Walmart for about $28. At the time I thought, $28 to clear my acne? Sold!
Sadly, this product did not work for me. It comes with three different cleansers and it was just too much for me to keep up with. I used the entire system until it was gone and just did not see a significant change in my skin. So then I decided it was time to try something new. So I chose to spend a little bit more money thinking it would have a bigger pay off. I bought the Boscia Clear Complexion kit at Sephora. This was around $40-$50. The cashier swore by this stuff and told me I could even return it if I didn't like it. This one came with five different products but they were all very small. I found that I had used most of it up within weeks. I hated the smell of it and it was just not a great fit for my skin. Remembering what the cashier had told me, I returned it weeks later and got my money back. Now, everyone has heard about Proactiv from all of their celebrity endorsements. I don't think any of them even used this product by the way. I bought this at a local mall for $79.99. This is a four part system and the bottles were a good size. I did enjoy the toner and the refining mask but other than that Proactiv fell short for me. I returned this after a month (I had a 60 day money back guarantee). Now I am not at all saying that these products 100% absolutely won't work for you but they did not work for my skin. One thing to take away from my failed products is to always get a guarantee and know your return policy. I saved over $100 that way!
I decided to go get a facial when I was about 17 because I thought it would help clear up my skin. I spent about $50 on this facial. It was relaxing and made my skin soft, but it did nothing in the way of clearing my skin. Actually, the woman who gave me my facial suggested Proactiv (what good that did). So finally I asked my mom to take me back to the Dermatologist. I had been there once before when I was fifteen. This time I went by myself and was prescribed a medication to clear up my skin.
Now this might of actually worked had I kept taking it daily. I hated how dry this particular medicine made my skin feel. It become so dry and flaky I couldn't even wear makeup. I just didn't even want to go in public. So I refused to take it. Finally, everything changed when I had heard that taking birth control could clear up your skin. So I went to the Gynecologist and told her I wanted to start taking it for the sole purpose of clearing my skin. She recommended it and said it could really help my skin. It did! It started to clear up my skin within a month and really kept it clear for the last two years. The dosage of estrogen was a bit too much for my stomach so I was just prescribed a lower estrogen dose. So that is why my skin is going crazy right now! Once I start taking it again and let it get into my system my skin should clear right up!
These are the products I use to clean my face and body in the morning and at night! I love these cleansers by Neutrogena. The first is my Oil-Free Acne Wash that was recommended by my dermatologist. I love this because it smells good and leaves my skin feeling fresh. The next is the Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub. I still have blackheads on my nose because my birth control hasn't seemed to help that. This scrub is exfoliating and has reduced the amount of blackheads I do have. I use their Body Clear Body Spray when I leave the gym. I still have some acne on my back and chest that can be really annoying! But this and my Body Clear Body Wash have significantly cleared this up! I just want to say this is all my opinion and I was not paid to advertise for this brand. Although, clearly I should be. Call me Neutrogena ;)
I also like some other brands though. I have used Clearasil Daily Pore cleansing pads for years and I always repurchase them They have several different formulas and kinds. I always like trying the new ones. These are great for getting the makeup that you missed with your remover off your face and BONUS they help clear your skin. Now my favorite face product is the Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer. This is a lotion that is safe to put on your face, chest, and back. I love this because I can put this on my face and see a drastic difference in my skin when I wake up. My sister uses this as well. It is so gentle yet works so well! I mentioned this in our October Favorites video.
It took me while to find the right products for my skin because I did not know my skin type.
Now I know that I have combination skin. These are from WebMD. Check them out and get to know your skin! This will help you greatly when finding the right acne treatment.
Watch Jessica's new shopping haul. She went to Ulta, Target, Charming Charlie and more.
We went to Canada! As most of you know, we are from Michigan! It took us about 45 minutes to get to Windsor (where we stayed) from our city.
It was just me (Katie) and my best friend Nicole who went. We were supposed to have a bigger group but one by one people kept backing out :( But, it was for Nicole's 20th birthday so we decided to still go! Honestly, we didn't expect to have as much fun as we did. It was seriously one of the best nights of my life. We can't drink in Michigan because in the United States the drinking age is 21. In Canada you only have to be 19 years old!
We went to Canada last year for Nicole's 19th birthday with a bigger group of people and had a good time so that is part of the reason we wanted to go back! The picture above is inside the tunnel to Canada when we were on our way there. This is the border between the countries! Even though we live right across the river it isn't that easy to get over there. You have to go through border patrol, answer all of their questions, have your passport or advanced license, and sometimes even get your car searched. Luckily, we didn't have to. Though, Nicole did have to throw her pepper spray away because it is illegal in Canada to have it. Once we got into Windsor we found our hotel, parked, checked in, and started our night! This picture to the left is us right before we went to the Caesar Hotel and Casino. This year since we were at a Holiday Inn we had to drive to the Casino (last year we just took an elevator) But our Hotel was very nice and had the most comfortable beds! Anyways, we wore our happy birthday crowns and went on our way!
This is us with our first drinks! We got Blue Lagoons. It was our first legal drink last year so we decided to carry on the tradition and get it from the same bar inside the casino!
I don't like strong stuff. Cocktails are more my thing. Also at the casino I had a Green monster which is a half a shot of Raspberry Absolute Vodka, half a shot of Ciroc, and lots of pineapple juice. Nicole got a Gin and Tonic. I tasted it, ew. I hated it! But she loves it so it must be an acquired taste. Nicole doubled her money on the slot machines! I lost three dollars :/ We had a lot of fun!
This is Nicole's sober selfie session on my phone...
Once we got back to the hotel we changed into our outfits that we wore to go out!
There were a lot of kids our age on our floor at the hotel. We would open the door and crowds of people would be in the hall telling us to 'come party' with them but we aren't stupid and wanted to be safe. One time when I opened the door there was guy in the hallway with a few girls that ran up to us and asked us if we wanted to hang out. Once we told them we were from America they freaked out "YOU ARE AMERICAN?!" "THEY ARE FROM THE STATES YOU GUYS!"
So after we talked to them for awhile about the bars that are good and other things we decided to go out with them for the night. We hung out with them at the hotel for awhile before we went out though and they kept telling us how heavy our Michigan accents were. They said we even say accent wrong! We spend 45 minutes saying words so they could laugh at the way we say them. It was actually really funny and cool to learn about their country. One girl we met, Jessica, kept telling us that everyone from the U.S thinks that Canadians live in igloos. We thought that was hilarious because we are under no misconception that Canadians live in igloos. I mean really? However, she kept carrying on and on about how America's do not learn Canadian history but they had to take American history in "Grade School" as they call it. That is true, we didn't take any history class that taught us about Canada and its past. They asked us about Obama and healthcare. They knew more about America then they did Canada. They were like "We have a... um.. a Prime Minister. What is that guys name again?" The sad thing is I don't think they would of known that had they been sober.
They were the nicest people though and they took us to Tequila Bob's and bought us Tequila shots. We had so much fun dancing and listening to music. Apparently, Gangnam Style is still popular in Canada.... We separated from their group after a few hours and got pizza.
Nicole's drunk selfie session on my phone..... it was her birthday so shes excused.
We got ready for bed, slept, and then headed home in the morning.
We vlogged most of the trip so you can watch it here now!
Click the links below and go check out our channel!!! We would appreciate it so much!!!
Last Thursday me and Jessica went shopping! So we have a haul for you guys today including all the things we bought. We went to just two stores, Kmart and Sephora. We got makeup, accessories, and more!
When we got to Kmart Jessica was on a hunt for makeup. So she ended up getting quite a bit and all for under $25 total! These first three things are just makeup basics that every girl needs. The Maybelline Mega Plush mascara in very black is one that Jessica and I both love. She needed to repurchase this because she was out. The NYC Dual Pencil sharpener, is just that- a pencil sharpener. She uses this to sharpen eyeliners and shadow crayons. The item on the right is Maybelline's Define a Line Eyeliner. This is a liner than rolls up and does not need a sharpener. This one is in the color ebony black and we both use this eyeliner to define our waterlines.The Maybelline products were buy one get one 40% off!
One reason we went to this Kmart in particular was because they sell Jordana products. These can be hard to find unless you order offline. In order to avoid the shipping prices we decided to make just a slightly longer drive to this Kmart instead of going to the local one that doesn't sell these products. The Jordana line was buy one get one 50% off on all of their makeup and nail polish. So Jessica didn't waste any time picking out four blushes. The four colors she picked up were Blushing Rose, Redwood, Rose Silk, and Tawny Beige. These are so so pretty! I also bought Redwood. Unfortunately, when we went to purchase our items the cashier was very unfriendly and refused to give us the sale price of buy one get one 50% off. So we went to the service desk and got it taken care of :) Never pay more than you have to. If the sign says there is a sale just ask the cashier to double check. Most of the time you are right and they were just unaware of the sale.
I have been really wanting a lipstick that looks right with my skin tone. I am very picky about my lipstick colors because I am not the BIGGEST fan of lipstick. However, lately I have been looking for NYX Whipped Caviar because Jessica used it on my lips and it looked amazing! I haven't bought it yet but in the meantime I found a slightly similar color by Rimmel London. This is the Kate Moss line. I love these lipsticks and this one "08" is my new favorite! I wore this on my lips while I was in Canada (blog coming soon about the trip) and it lasted all night and it is the perfect color for me! I also bought a Jordana lip gloss. It is called Lip Out Loud in E-123 110 and it smells so good. It is sticky and a soft color that goes well over lipstick.
I also ventured off and looked in the shoes and jewelry section. I found these adorable black wedge shoes. These were $19.99 and worth every penny. I wore these out to the bar in Canada and my feet did not hurt at all. These are the most comfortable shoes and I love the way they look with jeans and tights! Then I also bought two necklaces from the Dream Out Loud collection by Selena Gomez. These were $12.99 each and were buy one get one 50% off. I have been wanting a gold chain necklace like this one for a very long time. This one is so heavy and chunky, I just love it. I got the dark silver one for my best friend for her birthday. While I was looking up the links for the shoes for you guys I realized they have them in burgundy! I am buying those ASAP!!!
To the far right you will see a Covergirl eyeliner called Ink It! in the shade black ink. I purchased this liner at Kmart and have actually had a chance to use it. I like it, it isn't THE best liner out there but it was only about $5. The liner on the left is from Sephora and was only $1.99. This one is in patent black I have not tried it yet but I personally love Sephora's line of makeup products so hopefully I love this one. If not, oh well. The price was definitely right.
These were my free birthday gifts from Sephora. My birthday was in March but I never got my free gift and the cashier was so nice and helpful. She gave both Jessica and I our free birthday gifts. We got the Real Birthday Turn-Ons set. This is a sample of Benefit cosmetics Watt's Up! highlighter and their They're Real! mascara. Even though these may be samples they still have a lot of product. Samples are great for determining if you like a product before you spend the big bucks on the full size. We were so happy to get these and I can't wait to start using them! Watt's Up! (Full Size) They're Real! (Full Size)
Now, this is our most exciting purchase! We both bought this Sephora Palette. This one is called the Makeup Made Simple Palette. This is essentially three palettes in one. I love Sephora's eye shadow palettes and you know I am constantly talking up their Primal Instincts Palette. This palette has most of the colors from that palette and more! The coolest thing about it is it comes with a little carrying case that you can put one of the palettes in for light travel since the whole palette itself if pretty big! Now, guess how much this was. You are never going to believe us. Hell, the cashier didn't even believe us. She said "I'll have to check the price on that, it seems too good to be true." We found this palette in the sale section that they hide in the corner of the store. This is a $170 Value sold for $34. We got it on sale for $7.99! $7.99! We couldn't believe it. The cashier even said "Your total comes for $10.36, that is not something I get to say a lot."
We were so excited and can't wait to do some tutorials and makeup looks with this palette!
Jessica also got another free gift for reaching 100 points on her Sephora store card. She got the Tarte Lights, Camera, Flashes Mascara in the sample size. She has mentioned before that she is a big fan of Tarte's Lights, Camera, Lashes. So obviously, she was really happy about her free gift!